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Is Your Protection Up To Scratch?

So, how much protection do you truly have in place at your premises?

For instance, do you have an alarm or CCTV system? And more importantly – are you using it correctly? We find that many businesses install their alarm systems and everything comes to a grinding halt from there.

The number of people who admit to us that their alarm hasn’t been working correctly for a while and they have been meaning to call us is (excuse the pun) alarming!

Regular servicing will ensure that your alarm system is functioning correctly at the exact time you need it to be. There is no point having one installed if it is not going to sound when trouble arises!

Recent statistics show that burglary victimisations have increased by 2.7% compared with the previous 12 months! 75% are residential and most burglaries happen in the early afternoon. (Official Police statistics for the year ending August 2019).

Prevent your place from being another statistic by keeping your alarm system functioning at all times. We can help you with a regular servicing arrangement here at Smartway!

What Happens If Trouble Does Arise?

What happens when your alarm goes off? Is a monitoring service advised directly or do you receive the alert yourself?

While there are some alarm systems that you can monitor yourself via an app, it is extra peace of mind to know that your alarm is professionally monitored. You are guaranteed that “someone away from your property knows there is a problem” and will respond to it!

This is especially true if it is the weekend or you are travelling for business and the alarm sounds. You might be nowhere near the property and would struggle to check the status yourself. However, when the alarm is monitored by Smartway, we will send a patrol to check that there is no sign of entry.

If there is a confirmed break-in, then you don’t have to deal with that alone. Plus, if you have a Smartway CCTV system installed too, you will have plenty of great evidence to submit to the police.

The Importance Of CCTV

Do you have a business with no cameras installed?

Theft and Burglary are just one of the reasons to have cameras installed these days. In fact, Health and Safety is actually the number one reason for installing CCTV at business premises.

You can have all of the Health and Safety practices in the world in place at your company. However, they are not always followed. Even if they are, there is the very real possibility of human error or an accident.

You can protect your team and your business by making sure you are covered with the correct CCTV system. That means you are prepared in the event of an unfortunate incident.

Ready to get your protection up to scratch? Then call our team today about getting Alarms, Monitoring or CCTV installed in your business or home.